

All PCs that leave the KIMERA laboratories have CE certification and therefore comply with the safety requirements established by the applicable community directives or regulations.

Purchasing a KIMERA industrial computer means: Those who obtain the IQNet Certification guarantee the following benefits:

ISO 9001 Certification

The ISO 9001 certification is an international standard that establishes the requirements for a quality management system (QMS) within a company. Designed to ensure that companies and their operational processes meet certain quality standards and are able to meet customer requirements.

The ISO 9001 certificate certifies:

- the implementation of a documented quality management system;
- the fact that the organisation complies with the requirements of the standard;
- the definition of operational procedures;
- constant staff training;
- monitoring of business processes;
- the implementation of continuous improvements.

The ISO 9001 certification demonstrates a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

IQNET Certification

IQNet (International Certification Network) Certification is based on internationally recognised standards (such as ISO 9001 and quality management systems) and involves a network of national and international certification bodies.

IQNet provides an international quality label that can be recognised in various industries. Whoever obtains IQNet Certification guarantees the following benefits:

- a focus on achieving customer satisfaction and offers a wide range of specific services;
- an assurance for the customer of worldwide acceptance of certifications issued by network members;
- close cooperation between all members of the IQNet network, aimed at customer benefits;
- continuous collective improvement of the services provided by the network.

Certificato ESG kimera

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Certification

It is a process by which companies assess and communicate their environmental, social and governance impacts. It refers to 3 categories of factors that can influence a company's performance and reputation:

1-Environmental:Environmental: factor that concerns business practices related to environmental sustainability (such as use of natural resources or waste management, attention to climate change, food safety);

2-Social: company policies or practices that affect relations with employees, customers, the communities in which it operates and other stakeholders. It includes topics such as diversity, inclusion, focus on equality, occupational health and safety, and human rights;

3-Governance: corporate structure and decision-making processes, such as; the level of transparency, corporate ethics, risk management and regulatory compliance.

An ESG certified company demonstrates to investors, customers and other parties that a company is actively considering and managing risks and opportunities related to the environment, society and governance.

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